“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.” -Thoreau
In an era of shifting certainties, there are two ways to move forward: hold on tight to what is comfortable and familiar, or loosen your grip so that you’re ready to grasp new opportunities as they make themselves apparent. A clear-cut enough choice…yes? But easier said than done.
Letting go of the security of what has been familiar and reliable is difficult. Sure we can see signs that these things will no longer be of as much value to us…but they provide a sense of comfort and continuity…it’s what we know. It is human to hold on to that which is comfortable and familiar.
Then there’s the question of which new opportunities we would grasp on to. Taking risks is always…well…a risk. So we want to be smart and informed before we let go of what we have for the promise of something better. And even at our best, most strategic decision-making, risks are never guaranteed. You may greatly benefit or wind up empty-handed.
As you read this post, what are your current circumstances, and what would you change if you could? Would you like more fulfillment in your work or life? Do you see things in education you know need to change, but you are hesitant to help make change happen because of anticipated or unknown implications? Do you feel like you are being held captive by your fears? You are not alone. Thoreau’s quote speaks to all of us at some point in our lives.
Recently I have been involved in several situations, both professionally and personally, in which taking a chance to improve things for the better was in order. In each case, I took a risk to do my part to make a difference, and in each case others involved in each situation shrunk back and opted for what they already knew…what was safe and familiar. It’s scary enough taking the risk…but even more so when partners pull back to firmer footing and leave you hanging by a loosened grip. It feels like imminent freefall, but in fact you pull through, that much stronger and wiser for taking each chance. In day-to-day life, risk-taking is rarely lethal. Yes it can be painful and disappointing, but anything worthwhile has that potential. Why settle for a life of quiet desperation when you have the ability to shape your own destiny? Do not allow fear to dictate your options. Do not shrink from making a difference in your life and the lives of others.
Risk-taking is the only way of improving one’s lot in life, both personally and professionally. Playing it safe never got anyone anywhere. If you have convinced yourself that you are willing to accept the status quo simply because it is safer and easier, then please move out of the way for those of us who refuse to settle. We may not know what the future will bring or how we will get there, but we know we will be part of making it better for everyone. I refuse to leave this life with my song still bottled up inside, and I gladly accept all the ups and downs, bumps and bruises that I earn along the way. You should too…if you want something better for yourself…and the world in which we live.
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